Do You Want To Quit Binge Eating?

If I asked you if you want to stop binge eating you’d probably respond with an resounding,


But I want you to make sure that you really are ready to give it up.

Time for a little cost/benefit analysis.

Consider what the benefits of continuing to binge are for you. What do you get from it? And then what are the costs of stopping?

Maybe you have answers to these and maybe not.

If you do, I want you to really think about those answers.

Are those more important to you than what you would get from stopping or what would happen if you didn’t?

What are the benefits of stopping for you and what are the costs of not stopping?

All your answers here will show you what is it you actually do and don’t want and you also may find some reasons you weren’t consciously aware of for why you still binge.

You may be surprised to see the reasons why you want to keep doing it.

Being aware of them will make it so much easier for you to find other things to replace binge eating. You’ll know exactly what it is you need.

Let’s say you think that a cost of stopping is that you’ll have to face your feelings.

Even if you binge, you’ll still have to.

Eating doesn’t make them go away, it just dulls them temporarily and you’ll have to face them afterwards anyway along with any other feelings you created from bingeing, like guilt, shame, or regret.

If those were the feelings you were trying to avoid, binge eating is also going to make them more intense.

And let’s say you want to continue because it’s your only source of pleasure, joy, or comfort.

If that’s true, it’s time to start thinking of other ways to bring those into your life, and PLEASE don’t say you can’t think of any. There are millions of options in this world that won’t cause you so much pain. Start looking for some that interest you.

I like to think back to when I was little.

What things did you enjoy doing when you were a kid? Sometimes we forget about them and don’t bring them into our adult life, but you can!

And a side note here, how much joy, pleasure, and comfort are you really getting from binge eating?

Make a list of the reasons why you want to quit binge eating and why you don’t.

Take a good look at that list daily. Question those reasons why you don’t and remind yourself of all the reasons why you do. And I think that one day the answer, or answers, to why you don’t want to will change, and you will be ALL IN for quitting.

I’d love to talk about your answers with you! Shoot me an email, leave a comment, or schedule a free mini session! Let’s shift you to having ZERO reasons to keep binge eating.

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